Video Library

This channel provides Gstarsoft videos, in order for you to better use Gstarsoft.

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Create a villa with Advanced Modeling tools in Houseplan

Create a villa with tools in the advanced modeling Palette conveniently and quickly, and render in real time.

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Design a Hospital Campus in Houseplan

Design a big hospital campus with power tools in Houseplan, as well as add animations.

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Quickly Model and Render a villa in Houseplan

Design a villa with tools in Houseplan quickly ,render in real time and output the results in many ways.

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The New Features General in GstarCAD 2021

Point Cloud, Tool Palette improvement, 3D improvement, Quick Measure all in GstarCAD 2021

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New 3D Functionality In GstarCAD 2021- 3D SURFOFFSET

GstarCAD 2021 supports SURFOFFSET command, which allows to create a parallel surface at a specified distance from the original surface.

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GstarCAD Express Tools- CAD Table to Excel

Export CAD table to excel sheet without data loss

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GstarCAD Express Tools- Drawing Compare

Locate changes between drawings with Drawing Compare tool

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GstarCAD Express Tools- Layout by path

LAYOUT BY PATH ensures arraying objects along path more efficient.

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Undercut and Draft Analysis

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GstarCAD Express Tools- Dimstyle Export and Import

Save time overwriting, exporting and importing dimensions in GstarCAD!

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